The difference between Koto Piliang house and Bodi Caniago can be seen on the porch at the side of the house. Koto Piliang house has balcony and a different floor height from the main house (figure 6). The Bodi Caniago house does not have a balcony and the entire floor has equal height (figure 7).
This difference arises from the system of government practiced by the two
leaders of the custom systems. Koto Piliang was led by Datuk Ketemenggungan
who was bureaucratic while the Bodi Caniago people were led by Datuk Perpatih
who practiced democracy. Ultimately, the equal floor levels in the Bodi Caniago
house represent the leader and his people of the same status while the different
heights of the Kota Piliang house floor level represent a hierarchical people
(Idrus [19]).
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